Collaborating with motivated solopreneurs, duos, organizations, and brands for roots-up business builds, holistic branding, marketing strategy, and meaningful design & communications.
Branding + Brand Writing + Business Alignment Coaching + Offerings Distillment + Website + Business Policies + Communications
Erin Wong is a special skincare professional who offer a level of service that is unprecedented in her industry. What makes her unique as an esthetician is her purpose, which is rooted in pretty revolutionary ideas in this day and age of problematic beauty standards. Her fresh take is, believe it or not, to take care of the skin that we already have, and honor it with care and feed it the best nutrients that we possibly can. I meaaaan... as the skin is the largest organ in the body, why shouldn't we?
Our work together began with a deep intake into her brand- her vision, mission, and philosophy. We created depth in her language by talking about what is true: her dedication to the diversity of skin, be it age of, condition, heritage, and how. By developing her philosophy, we were able to match her visual identity to be in alignment and build out the site.
Further, her practice was booming when we met. She didn't really need anything other than the most precious resource we all want more of: time. To do that, she knew she needed start the process of lifting her retail channel into full gear. Further, what we discovered in that process was that she also could get more of that precious time if we reorganized her systems of appointment-making, intakes, and the forms that create ease. By organizing her 5 systems into 1, we opened up actual space for Erin.
Further, we built out a launch strategy of communications so that she could re-introduce herself to her clients in a streamlined, cohesive, and brand-aligned way, and continue communications with more ease and authentic storytelling as she continues to grow in this new chapter of her business. Check her out here.
Working with Nica is delightful and seamless. She helped launch my business into the 21st century with strategy, style, and oh so much humor! She is a true professional and made the process fun. She has an incredible knack for understanding who her client is and how to best articulate their talents to their client community. For those who are ready to transform and up their game, I highly recommend Nicacelly Creative.