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Communications + Creative + Copywriting + Social Media Strategy

The work of the Regenerative Organic Alliance is revolutionary: to oversee Regenerative Organic Certified: a high-bar and north-star organic certification that addresses Trump-era roll-backs of the OTA's animal welfare and organic standard (USDA Organic). Founded by Dr. Bronner's, Patagonia, and the Rodale Institute, this new organization, and its certification is putting a stake in the ground in the regenerative agricultural movement, addressing to climate change with systemic agricultural solutions to improve soil health (& sink carbon) while improving animal welfare standards and social fairness for farmworkers. This certification will change (for the better!) the way our food and clothing is grown.

After working in "sustainable" and ecologically progressive fashion for 15 years, I was happy to oblige. Working with the foundational tools of the founding partners, I created all print and digital collateral, design panel presentations, from concept to visual decks for industry events such as Expo West, Provender, and the Heirloom Seed Festival, and collaborating on both the concept, writing and visuals for the TED X talk above. I also led all ROA community communications, including copywriting and photo selection for monthly emails to a growing client base. I encourage you to sign up for the ROA newsletter and learn more about this revolutionary organization.

Dates: October 2018 - December 2019

Nicole has an unusual combination of talent that has been of great benefit to the ROA. She has a keen eye for beautiful imagery, contextual language and deeply relevant topical issues. She is a fiercely devoted to tight project management and timely delivery of promised results. It is truly a pleasure to have her contribute to the growth and momentum created by the founders of the ROA.


Executive Director, ROA

Do you need creative & consistent content writing and communications strategies?

Let's talk about it over a free and productive conversation to

discover how we can work together.

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